Ledger in a sentence as a noun

The proof of work ledger is a cool idea.

It's not like these guys are keeping a ledger of money saved by not-poaching.

It is both a payment protocol and a distributed ledger.

In this case, one set of clients starts building a transaction ledger B, and one starts building a transaction ledger B'.

Basically, when $100 million disappears from a ledger, forensic accountants dive in and figure out what happened.

"Explain it like I'm Five"All bitcoin transactions get written to a globally-shared ledger of transactions that is maintained by the bitcoin network.

The money is in US banks, circulating as loans in the US economy, but is only overseas on an accounting ledger for tax purposes.

One of my ideas in this space is a bitcoin like system that maintains a public ledger of contracts you've entered into and completed as verified by a variety of sources.

"The danger, of course, is that the payment never makes it into this ledger"As a registrar I can confirm that we can back out and get our money refunded for any transaction within 5 days.

When your bitcoin transaction is added to this ledger, it is called a "confirmation".Accepting bitcoins with "zero confirmations" means that namecheap doesn't wait ~10 minutes before accepting your payment.

Ledger definitions


a record in which commercial accounts are recorded; "they got a subpoena to examine our books"

See also: leger book


an accounting journal as a physical object; "he bought a new daybook"

See also: daybook