Ledge in a sentence as a noun

, "Can I jump off this ledge in the back even though the game doesn't think I should?" He was playing not the game of Halo but the game of Halo Exploits!

I think you should just restart players from the last point that they were on the ground without dying, that is, the most recent ledge that they were standing on. It shows promise.

>I'll bet he would have a different opinion if it was him standing on that little ledge before stepping off. That doesn't even make sense.

Press ledge. Result: many Twitter birds beak-planting into the ground and farting in surprise.

I'll bet he would have a different opinion if it was him standing on that little ledge before stepping off.

More akin to a guy standing on a ledge of a cliff, albeit precarious but doing fine; if you try to help him, he'll probably fall and die fast. He knows this, and he's telling you to stay the he11 away.

I'm not a game developer, but I found the jump key to be slightly inconsistent, specifically pressing jump while running towards a ledge. Whether or not the jump registers seems to depend on how close to the edge you are.

> I'll bet he would have a different opinion if it was him standing on that little ledge before stepping off. If he was standing on that little ledge: "The theory of gravity definitely no longer needs to be tested this way.

When do we see the first set of drones that fly into AT&T Park and land on a ledge somewhere letting someone outside the park watch the game? When do we have a drone at 399' run out of charge and fall down doing property damage or injuring someone and the owner never claims their drone back?

Early on in HL2, there's a bit where you pop out of a sewer, and around a corner to the right, there's a bunch of guys on a ledge shooting at you. It is impossible to **** them without going all the way around the corner and into another tunnel to "cleverly" pop up behind them.

For example, that ledge, it was easy to get enough 'right' movement to overpower malicious 'down' commands, because the first input in a direction only turns the character. But there were 'down' commands needed to get to the ledge, and the lag caused them to keep pouring in after they were no longer needed.

I was looking over the stack from top to bottom when I noticed there was another box stuck underneath the lowest ledge of the shelf. I pulled it out and wiped off the unfathomably thick layer of dust from the box to reveal that it was an unopened Amiga 500, probably untouched and forgotten for many years.

Fast-forward a few weeks and I managed to come back down from the ledge. It may have just been the comfort of home, or the general inertia of a content over-priviledged life; but I reverted back to my previous plans, and set aside the fanciful notion of slaying dragons and working at a startup.

And when you do that, you completely miss the fact that, up there, on that ledge, a lone flower has somehow managed to survive all the carnage around you. Had you not been preoccupied with wishing the world was other than it is, that flower would have reminded you that, even in the presence of destruction, life and beauty are resilient, and will ultimately triumph.

I'm currently playing Battlefield 3 on the Xbox and the number of times I've died because I went to duck into a doorway to avoid enemy fire, only to get halted because the door frame has a 3cm ledge that my battle hardened soldier has difficulty stepping over. It's amazing how a seemingly trivial issue can really drive up the frustration with a game and take away from it's enjoyment.

Com/ It's rather cathartic, although you're right that letting your mind wander within a recorded stream sometimes means you write down some quite scary stuff, it's probably the same part of the brain that says "you could jump, you know" whenever you look over a high ledge

It's pretty weird to look at some photos from that era, with car traffic taking up almost the whole width of narrow streets in the city center, pedestrians confined to narrow ledge-like sidewalks, and bikes either absent or trying their luck in traffic. Now most of those streets have been either pedestrianized, turned into mixed-traffic, low-speed "living streets", or had the roads narrowed to one lane to make room for bike lanes and/or wider sidewalks.

Ledge definitions


a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under water

See also: shelf