Leavening in a sentence as a noun

When I use dutch oven or clay pot I use leavening basket and just **** the bread into it.

That is correct but traditional flour would not be strong enough for such leavening.

Without a leavening of 'good' 'trust worthy' apps, what credit card processor is going to handle their transactions?

For instance, who knows how to avoid yeast extract, un-distilled alcohol and vinegar, soy sauce, leavening yeast?

Try not to see them in the dichotomy of heroes or idiots, just as people who provide some leavening to society.

That means leavening libertarian ideals with some realpolitik.

Most of the time we use eggs, it is just needed as "glue" to make things stick together, or for leavening, moisture etc. This can easily be replaced by tapioca flour and water, flax and water, or some other substitute.

There are reasons for this -- real pizza aficionados have very different choices about how they want to compose their sauces and which cheeses they want on the finished result and even what leavening agent causes the dough to rise, so the framework for pizza-baking is as general-purpose as possible.

Ultimately someone who is good at being programmer does need a leavening of academic background, and someone who is a successful academic needs to know something about real computers instead of the academic over-simplified illusory world that contain friction-less pulleys and massless ropes.

Leavening definitions


an influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something; "his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor"

See also: leaven


a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid

See also: leaven