Laziness in a sentence as a noun

Part of it is laziness of figuring out how to cancel.

It reeks of profiling, smells like laziness and must be called out as bad practice.

Because, you know, laziness makes people curl up in an empty bathtub and cry for 24 hours.

"I strongly believe that the idea of laziness leads to burnout.

It's frowned upon to take any time off in the US. I've seen it viewed as a sign of a lack of commitment or even laziness.

The culture of "napping = weakness / laziness" is still so prevalent in the US workforce.

I find most people who talk about laziness are using it as a way to avoid thinking deeply about their own motivation.

What's fascinating to me is that, unlike so many other language "changes", this isn't caused by laziness or carelessness.

Experiences like this led me to leave Facebook, then LinkedIn, a while ago. I haven't deleted my Google+ account only because laziness and fear of an experience like the article's author prevent me from going to the site.

Purity and laziness are a driving force which leads to the need for things like Monads... and strong types allow the boundaries of various semantic segments to be very sharp.

This is not a trivial matter for which the only explanation is laziness.• It's spoken like someone who's never seriously worked on a large open source project.

The other is that when others do not attain success you may come to believe that this is the result of some personal failing on their part - like laziness, and, again, this ain't necessarily so.

The fundamentalist missionaries infected them with the peculiar sort of madness, entitlement, laziness and corruption that comes with that belief system.

This simplistic 'snap out of it' ideology belies and belittles the very real issues of fear, discouragement and depression that underly much of what people berate themselves over as 'laziness'.

You speak of "responsible disclosure", but what about "responsible launch"?If a backend is coded this poorly, it betrays irreparable and highly dangerous levels of idiocy, laziness, and lack of foresight in the ones who coded it.

"Which is to say, if I hear someone apologizing for the weather, one likely presumption would be that they're just assuming fault as a matter of etiquette, or some latent self-hating tendency... but another, more interesting, possibility is that they're apologizing for not having gotten around to the step in their world domination plans where they build a global climate-regulation system yet. Because they would if they could, they will as soon as they can, and it's only their own laziness and ignorance of proper power/wealth/intelligence-bootstrapping methods preventing them from being there already.

Proper Noun Examples for Laziness

Honestly, what you need is a different type than the strict Haskell list called a Rose Tree data Rose a = Leaf a | Branch [Rose a]\n\nwhich tells the compiler that you explicitly want arbitrary nesting.---LazinessAll of Haskell has default laziness and this means that your environment is fully tilted toward laziness.

Laziness definitions


inactivity resulting from a dislike of work

See also: indolence


relaxed and easy activity; "the laziness of the day helped her to relax"


apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)

See also: sloth acedia