Landmark in a sentence as a noun

There was a landmark case about this same issue in 1936 concerning IBM punch cards.

That case was a landmark, with AT&T substantially failing to assert its claims.

Today, the team has become a famous landmark and the grounds for a soccer school to which I belong.

Let's not further the stigma, or wax poetic about the homeless in SF as some sort of quirky, fun landmark.

One thing I find truly amazing is that Dennard predicted that we'd run into all these problems back in his landmark paper in 1974!

Now Apple has the nerve to make statements like this:We applaud the administration for standing up for innovation in this landmark case.

What it does is allow people to create QR codes that can be displayed on buildings and landmarks which, when snapped with a scanner, will take you to the associated Wikipedia page.

This is as close to a good use for QR codes as I've ever heard, because the ugliness of the QR code here is offset by the value of a symbol pointing out that you're looking at a landmark.

Interesting historic landmark as far as information dissemination during confrontations/wars.

But it seemed that my landmark contribution to human knowledge was going to be what TechCrunch dubbed "extended rageface support".So when the lawyers asked me to provide illustrations of “example uses", I did the only reasonable thing.

" A holder of a patent on video compression himself, he said he recognized that the case represented a "landmark decision," and that he was pleased he'd been selected "because I wanted to be satisfied from my own perspective that this trial was fair, and protected copyrights and intellectual property rights, no matter who they belonged to.

Landmark definitions


the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape; "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark"


an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend; "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations"

See also: watershed


a mark showing the boundary of a piece of land


an anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other anatomical structures (as in surgery) or as point from which measurements can be taken