Laic in a sentence as an adjective

Can somebody explain the stem cell therapy to a complete laic like myself?

In his laic view, we all use internet banking every day and nobody stole all the money yet, right?

Even concepts like client server communication is completely unknown to a laic.

I didn't imagine that one can write an article about chess so fascinating, that a laic like me can get completely immersed in the story.

And in Turkey, where I am, islam penetrates the laic state just like christianity does in christian-majority countries.

Video or photos of celestial objects are enough reason for the laic public and there are many physical measurements that should be done to advance our knowledge.

What frustrates me most is that I keep meeting people who seem to know less about their respective fields than one would expect them to, or they should at least know more about them than I or some other laic does.

Laic definitions


characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy; "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"; "the lay ministry"

See also: secular