Lady in a sentence as a noun

Consists of one crazy cat lady in a cabin in the hills of California.

Or to summarize it in a quote:"[Intelligence] is like being a lady: if you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

I live in a very liberal city, and there's almost zero chance I'm going to get bullied by the lady at the flower shop.

I have a client, nice old lady, a widow, in her 70's and while working on her computer she started talking about her life and times.

I certainly didn't when the elderly lady sitting one table over from me at a fast food restaurant had a stroke.

I read a private blog of a lady in the games industry, and the level of ordure and harassment she gets is simply unbelievable.

How does this fit with the linked article, where the lady in question claims her personal liason at the company hadn't even contacted her in a month?

I see plenty of insightful comments here but no one acknowledging the conclusion.>Its funny because the evening started out with a lady giving a speech about how the IT industry is alienating women.

For a point of reference, not the last time I talked to my dad, but the time before that, he was letting me know he may not have a phone for a while because the lady's cell phone plan he was on had passed away almost a year ago, and now that it was up for renewal and she was dead, he likely would not be able to put it in his name.

Lady definitions


a polite name for any woman; "a nice lady at the library helped me"


a woman of refinement; "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady"

See also: dame madam ma'am gentlewoman


a woman of the peerage in Britain

See also: Lady noblewoman peeress