Ordure in a sentence as a noun

> Bernoff is a Canute in an ocean of ordure.

A faint marshlight struggling upwards from all the ordure through the bristling grey-green weeds.

I read a private blog of a lady in the games industry, and the level of ordure and harassment she gets is simply unbelievable.

After writing I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents, Thomas Jefferson later noted, I deplore... the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them... These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food.

Ordure definitions


solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

See also: feces faeces stool dejection