Knowledgeable in a sentence as an adjective

Sometimes they can be quite possessive, they would break the toy if someone not so knowledgeable wants to play with it.

Some people are smarter than others, or work harder, or are better read, or are more knowledgeable, or are more capable.

To be clear, I'm not knowledgeable about online advertising.

A knowledgeable JavaScript developer will make mistakes when making simple changes to CoffeeScript code that they did not write.

A knowledgeable, approachable sales team is an absolute necessity in that context.

I am not saying that such rules govern your case because it is not possible for anyone to really know your case absent a proper legal review by a knowledgeable lawyer.

If you were bitching in this thread about how Apple Employees aren't knowledgeable enough because you expected them to know even a fraction of what you know, perhaps you're not as perceptive as you think you are.

Kids would learn far more by partnering with knowledgeable adults to do their experiments, rather than having these silly competitions where nobody learns anything and the winner is the kid who puts the most work into having the nicest presentation.

It knows that we are knowledgeable about the things we love, it knows that we understand tropes and genre conventions, it gives us the benefit of the doubt and treats us as intelligent human beings who will not only understand the meta pop culture references, but will find them funny and love the show for it.

Escaping one network to join a knowledgeable and competitive one exposes you to different ways of thinking, makes you question preconceived notions you have, makes you realize just how badly things really were, etc. I'm sure others here can relate even more, but coming from a modest background, it has been truly eye opening to be in the bay area, for example.

Imagine scaling up Hacker News so that every member is allowed to post to the top of the front page, and posts are allowed to be on any topic imaginable, and the average comment is going to be at least as knowledgeable and thoughtful as it is here -- in fact, the comments are expected to be good enough that they won't be sorted or threaded, and it will be more or less a faux pas to comment without reading all the comments that came before yours.

Knowledgeable definitions


highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience"

See also: knowing learned lettered well-educated well-read


alert and fully informed; "a knowing collector of rare books"; "surprisingly knowledgeable about what was going on"

See also: knowing


thoroughly acquainted through study or experience; "this girl, so intimate with nature"-W.H.Hudson; "knowledgeable about the technique of painting"- Herbert Read

See also: intimate versed