Lettered in a sentence as an adjective

That's why you see numbered vs lettered trains.

Seems like, one of the lettered agency was involved in this!

No doubt some US corp that had their private key national security lettered?

They'd stamp a registration number onto the frame of the bike using lettered taps and a hammer.

That's why there are so few stations that allow you to transfer between letters and numbers, and why trains on lettered lines cannot run on numbered tracks, and vice versa.

Actually, the big, high and centred, skinny-lettered and unbordered time display on the lock screen always reminds me of some Sony Xperia lock screens, though maybe that's just me.

The mention of the depiction of lettered documents caused me some pensive ruminations on the fine detail involved in painting typefaces.

In openssl's case I'm not sure to what degree they've done any kind of stability-affecting changes in the lettered-subversions, so I don't know how well this applies here.

For a product of this quality to be available on the lettered lines, we will need to commit hundreds of millions of dollars and years of dedicated effort.> Automatic Train Supervision installation began in 1997.

Now, the thing is, Reddit/4chan is a breeding ground for contrarian thought, indeed it is where a lot of the interesting stuff is born in the eyes of three-lettered agencies -- half of the Lulzsec memebers were active Redditors, Edward Snowden was a Redditor, every other programmer with unorthodox political interests is on Reddit.

Proper Noun Examples for Lettered

Lettered rootsThis proposal puts the existing DNS root under a lettered virtual root above it, with implicit resolution to the local AIP.

Lettered definitions


highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience"

See also: knowing knowledgeable learned well-educated well-read