Justifier in a sentence as a noun

A synonym might be a "justifier" or "oppressor" or even more simply "someone who has not yet been oppressed.

A cocky novice once said to Stallman: 'I can guess why the editor is called Emacs, but why is the justifier called Bolio?'.

But when "the law" really just serves as a justifier for the powerful, actions that poke holes in the abstractions of power are punished the harshest.

Pretending you don't have a choice and you're not responsible for your actions is morally bankrupt and a fake justifier of violence and abuse

But, a fitting homage to Emacs then:'A cocky novice once said to Stallman: “I can guess why the editor is called Emacs, but why is the justifier called Bolio?”.

There's actually a hacker koan about this[1]:A cocky novice once said to Stallman: “I can guess why the editor is called Emacs, but why is the justifier called Bolio?”.

Professional exploiters and accidental/system-justifier exploiters need to be cut off, which might motivate professionals and invalids to assess our system as more just.

Justifier definitions


a person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution; "an apologist for capital punishment"

See also: apologist vindicator