Koan in a sentence as a noun

I suspect it was offered as a dark koan, not an earnest wish.

]I think this is a good koan--something to provoke further thought.

' Like each koan would be a little puzzle where you manipulate the box model etc.

A favorite koan of mine: objects are a poor man's closures, but closures are a poor man's objects.

Very nice!Would like to see it feature a ToC so one can easily move between the koan categories.

I was reminded of Anton van Straaten's "koan" on closures vs. objects with venerable master Qc Na [1] ... but I digress.

This comment makes me want to come up with a 3D printing startup; you've practically distilled it to the koan of the "next important technology".

This "fuzzes" your search history,\n > making it difficult for Google [..] to gather\n > information about you.\n\nI am reminded of the classic MIT AI koan: > In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came\n > to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.\n > "What are you doing?

Koan definitions


a paradoxical anecdote or a riddle that has no solution; used in Zen Buddhism to show the inadequacy of logical reasoning