Jumbo in a sentence as an adjective

They're only digging themselves into a deeper hole with this corporate mumbo jumbo.

You graduate, you go to b-school, you learn some mumbo-jumbo about how this whole working world -- which you've never experienced -- is supposed to work.

Are you supposed to give him/her coding tests?The term "rockstar" needs to die, now. It's a meaningless mumbo-jumbo term invented by someone who didn't understand what developers do.

If the number of people who replaced a computer with a tablet exceeds the number of people who still have one, we can talk about that post-pc mumbo-jumbo.

Some of my friends have fully "embraced" adulthood, complete with jumbo mortgage loans and X month into pregnancy and parenting books and diapers.

Makes me wonder if they had any domain knowledge at all or just a "Yelp for doctors" pitch and some mumbo-jumbo about big data revolutionizing healthcare.

Most of us didn't care about privacy, freedom, human rights or whatever mambo jumbo the media pundits were talking about, and who the **** cares who owns the data.

>>"Programmer" sounds like "anomalously high-cost peon who types some mumbo-jumbo into some other mumbo-jumbo.

Always be prepared for some customers, who deliberately mislead you that they don't understand the mumbo-jumbo, projecting ignorance as a shield so that they can ruin you on payments.

My 'System and Apparatus for Propagation of Radio Signals' confers a +2 legal mumbo-jumbo bonus on my 'Transmitter switch-on in a dual-mode mobile phone'.

"Yep the financial system has a whole host of problems that everyone knows but "saving the world" is just meaningless marketing mumbo jumbo for SV - lets be clear that Google is not saving the world nor is any other SV company.

This means limiting options, because the likelihood a user will need that option is minimal and because in almost all cases for this audience, it's just more confusing/useless mumbo jumbo that a user must parse when they're looking for their intended setting.

To me, however, a programmer is who I'm looking for, while a resume full of revenue increases and cost reductions sounds like an "anomalously high-cost parasite who types some mumbo-jumbo into Excel and PowerPoint, claiming credit for others' work".

But you can just practice your hour of Yoga a day, without any mumbo jumbo or assumptions about the ultimate aim of life and so on, just as you can practice Karate to get some exercise, or learning to fight, or to win a competition, or just have some fun. All are valid ways of approaching the "way".And Vivekananda's works, while potentially interesting to someone who wants to understand Vivekananda's views, aren't, by any stretch of the imagination, the definitive books on what Yoga is and is not.

Jumbo definitions


of great mass; huge and bulky; "a jumbo jet"; "jumbo shrimp"

See also: elephantine gargantuan giant