Joviality in a sentence as a noun

I say that with respect and joviality. Much of what we do - particularly much of our security - is based on the idea that P !

To engender a spirit of goodwill, joviality and kindness such that the flunky wants to help you. That is not a practical solution.

Ref_=ttep_ep4 Until I'd watched this i wasn't entirely aware how much I used this too in correspondence to infer joviality or some such.

I do not want to live in a troll world, just like I don't want to live in a world where people use false and undercutting statements disguised as joviality. Instead, I teach scientists how to be better at the programming they need to do good science.

The BBC seems to be better, at least their anchors don't engage in pretended joviality with each other and their audience. I think the news shows should ask the anchors to stop their banter and read off the teleprompter but for the time when they are interviewing guests.

To engender a spirit of goodwill, joviality and kindness such that the flunky wants to help you. CHP officers call this the "personality test" - and they administer it every time you get pulled over, BTW. It sucks.

- the writing style itself is pretty uneven; there are sections at the beginning which have the same forced-joviality-talking-down-to-children feel that the Hobbit had, but which is quite out of place in the much darker book. It gets better later on, though.

Im/securegoldenkeyboot/ With text as follows for those whom the joviality of the original presentation is undesirable: irc. rol.

It just means that what we consider a positive environment here is about something more than a skin-deep, superficial veneer of joviality and light-heartedness. Look at some of the threads where people have posted "Woe is me, I need a job and my wife is sick and my dog is dying and my car just fell over" and look at the generous offers of help and posts of support those get.

Ergo, off to jail with you if you shouldn't want to explain in detail your actions of the day, no, of the week that lead up to this moment, along with corroborating proof and witnesses, because I just can't trust that air of sadness/indifference/joviality about you.

Joviality definitions


feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor

See also: jollity jolliness


a jovial nature

See also: conviviality