Jiggle in a sentence as a noun

Would you jiggle my door handle to see if that would unlock it?

It's like having that toilet where you need to jiggle the handle.

I like how they replicate the jiggle of belly fat.

I always jiggle the reader with a bit of gusto before I use an ATM.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it's never immediately known - I need to jiggle left and right.

I do too, but having never seen a skimmer, I'm not sure how effective this is. The slots are often loose enough to jiggle, though not loose enough to seem fraudulent.

Jiggle in a sentence as a verb

It went away with some kernel upgrade, but I still jiggle the mouse every now and then in the hopes a page will render faster...

The only cool thing of the names is that you can get a cryptic sticker "My other car is a cdr" that no-one will understand but will make you jiggle each morning

I was all set to defend the "jiggle randomly" school of development with something along the lines of "sounds like someone who has never had an external deadline to worry about" but then I got really sad, and didn't.

Most simple substances, with the exception of water and type metal, expand upon melting, because the atoms are closely packed in the solid crystal and upon melting need more room to jiggle around, but an open structure collapses, as in the case of water.

I wonder if everyone here is using the same definition of "working on"?Perhaps if the engineers had 20 minutely updates with each other, the coherent picture would emerge more quickly?Hopefully they aren't doing the same "jiggle it until it works" that is being discussed elsewhere on HN right now; so, what are they doing, precisely?I know we don't know because they aren't saying, but what are people who work in teams on huge important systems doing generally when they fail?

Jiggle definitions


a slight irregular shaking motion

See also: joggle


move to and fro; "Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!"

See also: joggle wiggle