Gusto in a sentence as a noun

I always jiggle the reader with a bit of gusto before I use an ATM.

Find something you enjoy doing and do it so well and with such obsessive gusto that people can't help but notice you.

So you can imagine my surprise when not only did it start moving, it did so with gusto, scaling walls and what not.

" - Douglas AdamsIf I am to make a mistake while presenting, then by gum I'm going to make that mistake with the most confidence and gusto I can muster.

But performance is definitely one of them!Apple's pursuing top-end performance with gusto in its laptops and mobile devices.

We revel in others being wrong, and we positively wet ourselves at the opportunity to point out this wrongness with gusto and vitriol.

When you recall their once-titanic power, their vicious business culture, their decade-long seizure and stagnation of the entire web, the way they openly eat their own with gusto, and the incalculable amounts of money and effort thrown into the boundless swamps of their fetid platforms, you realize that watching them tumble and smash on the rocks below is never, ever, ever going to get old.

Gusto definitions


vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

See also: relish zest zestfulness