Jetsam in a sentence as a noun

There's just always some flotsam and jetsam that escapes the tests.

These thoughts are the flotsam and jetsam of the creative process.

" / "What do you mean, I thought flotsam and jetsam were different things?

Having Jupiter nearby to suck up a lot of stray flotsam and jetsam is quite helpful, too.

Basically their gigantic gravity well acts like cosmic hoover sucking in all the flotsam and jetsam that's constantly flying here and there.

If you want to re-run each experiment and paper, you somehow have to deal with re-running all the extra jetsam and flotsam too, and I don't think we have any idea how to do that successfully.

I used to work for a transport consultancy and we had a lot of jetsam left over from when that particular transport industry was government-owned, and those guys... well, we never really knew what they did.

He’d press his palm down on the cutting board, which was littered with peppercorns, spattered sauce, bits of parsley, bread crumbs and the usual flotsam and jetsam that accumulates quickly on a station if not constantly wiped away with a moist side towel.

He'd press his palm down on the cutting board, which was littered with peppercorns, spattered sauce, bits of parsley, breadcrumbs, and the usual flotsam and jetsam that accumulates quickly on a station if not constantly wiped away with a moist side-towel.

Jetsam definitions


the part of a ship's equipment or cargo that is thrown overboard to lighten the load in a storm


the floating wreckage of a ship

See also: flotsam