Flotsam in a sentence as a noun

Having Jupiter nearby to suck up a lot of stray flotsam and jetsam is quite helpful, too.

Why should any sane person care if this empty bit of internet flotsam puts fake widows and orphans in it?

This is sensationalist flotsam- how can you call a hackathon that hasn't even happened yet "the biggest" and "most epic"?

It's saying some people are too primitive and thus these things have to be made into taboos rather than let it be part of human communication flotsam.

[26] As the plastic flotsam photodegrades into smaller and smaller pieces, it concentrates in the upper water column.

The tidal wave of innovation that has swept out from Silicon Valley, transforming the way we communicate, read, shop, and travel, has carried along with it an epic ****-ton of digital flotsam.

He’d press his palm down on the cutting board, which was littered with peppercorns, spattered sauce, bits of parsley, bread crumbs and the usual flotsam and jetsam that accumulates quickly on a station if not constantly wiped away with a moist side towel.

He'd press his palm down on the cutting board, which was littered with peppercorns, spattered sauce, bits of parsley, breadcrumbs, and the usual flotsam and jetsam that accumulates quickly on a station if not constantly wiped away with a moist side-towel.

I don't need endless status updates of people I don't really know, if I need to find my friends or share something with them, there's this new thing called a smartphone, it has my Contacts, I can share whatever I want with them and not spend my time staring at endless scrolling ads and the flotsam of people's lives.

And pray tell, why would these bankers be demanding immunity from prosecution if they were not fearful that a serious investigation into their behaviour would find them guilty of, at the very least, criminal negligence if not outright fraud?And that, my friend, is the point where you have to accept that the system is in fact broken; and that the checks and balances have been short-circuited; that the system is out of control and that we are fiscal flotsam on the tide of events from here on out.

Flotsam definitions


the floating wreckage of a ship

See also: jetsam