Jabbering in a sentence as a noun

I don't buy it. What stresses me out the most are groups of people jabbering about nothing in particular.

But people are entitled to their free speech, so jabbering on about it is pretty much pointless.

Had a GPS that started jabbering **** when it got cold.... showed up as system dying because it was being flooded with events, ie. Some other task died because it wasn't getting enough cpu time.

We may be the only ones who write, but whales, birds, and elephants are constantly jabbering on about something.

Don't read junk on the Internet or jabbering by Christian apologists desperate for credentials.

And if I'm in a lab or an office or some other environment around other computer users, I don't want to listen to their jabbering.

And we haven't born those great ideas when we had meetings about our products or were specifying some API, no, it was always when we were jabbering around doing silly things.

It honestly depends on how it's set up. If it's American-style, where "the population" amounts to a jabbering know-it-all teenager with no real control over anything, then it won't work, no.

In my experience, authors basically never jabber like morons, then suddenly have something really important to say, then back to jabbering.

"Use your own best judgment" is a meme that is uniquely poorly adapted to survival in an ecosystem that consists largely of people jabbering back and forth on the Internet like we are right now.

That environment isn't good for anyone: the devs are irritated by all the chatter from the CSR and Sales folks, who in turn feel guilty even though it's their job to be jabbering on the phone all day. Ironically, the office space was occupied largely by people who were rarely IN those offices because they were all in meetings constantly.

Milius said his intent was to make a movie about the futility of war, adding, I have a nervous feeling that Yablans and Haig are jabbering away on their hot line about a different movie.

45-50 minutes later you basically hit the ceiling, transitioning in seconds from unconsciousness to compulsive jabbering.

He is not someone with an AEI hat on talking about monetary policy or trade agreements or so forth, he is jabbering on about how I should live my life, what my values should be, dressed up with a lot of superstitious hokum.

The system is broken in a very fundamental way and jabbering on about the subtleties of the difference between maximum and expected sentences is not contributing to the discussion in a meaningful way, in my opinion.

Jabbering definitions


rapid and indistinct speech

See also: jabber gabble