Itchy in a sentence as an adjective

Please quit the marketing speak, it makes me itchy. And I have opted out, as the blog post details.

But, even tomboys would dress up for a ball, even if they felt a bit itchy. They would get a lot of compliments too.

I look at this and I get an itchy feeling in my fingers that the next tech bubble bust is now less than 12 months away. It's deja vu all over again ...

A roomful of people saw me, clad in horrid workout clothes, jam my finger up my itchy nose and scratch my balls. Key takeaway: always check the cam.

An itchy trigger finger could mean a life threatening injury. I'd rather take the hit and have a bruise that would heal and not end up with a bullet in me.

It's not "my legs are itchy", it's "I cannot stop moving my legs at all without experiencing extreme discomfort".

Employers get itchy if you do this with more than, say, a keyboard. Most places don't want me supplying my own workstation/laptop, which is fine, so long as they buy me reasonable hardware to work on.

It'd make them itchy, like their very own fat middleman waiting to be crushed. So my issue isn't that Amazon is waiting patiently to pump up their prices once they have enough market share.

The comparison between the Taliban and the US Army was itchy trigger finger debate tactic stuff from me. Sorry.

After a few hours in front of it, I started feeling really itchy, and the screen had enough static charge to raise the hairs on my forearm if I moved near it. Pretty sure it was shooting cancer directly into my face.

Clarification: I don't mean that the pilot has an itchy trigger finger, I mean the system or decision maker. I see how the two might be confused based on my original comment.

He also complains of a rash on his forehead that has spread down to his trunk that is maculopapular and itchy. The patient denies any fever, chills, dizziness, or headache.

He was really forced to live naked, to the point where after the ordeal, clothes were itchy and uncomfortable, required a lot of readjusting. He was bullied into continuing when he wanted to quit.

When mosquitos *******, I genuinely don't get itchy or have "bug bites". If I remember correctly, the itchy welts that most people get are caused by the body's response to something the mosquito injects into your skin to prevent the blood from clotting.

Why the **** would I want to pay the job switching costs to work at that company when they have an itchy trigger finger, especially if I'm doing pretty well where I am already?

I was ordered to kneel, not move, and provide identification, conflicting orders with which I was afraid to comply due to itchy triggers in my face; they ended up pushing my face into the sidewalk and taking the identification themselves. They thought I was a car thief they had been chasing.

Itchy definitions


nervous and unable to relax; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "a restless child"

See also: antsy fidgety fretful


causing an irritating cutaneous sensation; being affect with an itch; "he had an itchy toe from the mosquito bite"