Isomer in a sentence as a noun

How much and what isomer of caffeine is in this drink?

One isomer has low toxicity and the other causes horrible birth defects.

Unfortunately the two isomers can interconvert so it isn't possible to create a pure sample of just one of them.

Loratidine is a stereoisomer; there's a left handed and a right handed version of the molecule.

"a single isomer drug rarely offers a therapeutic advantage over the mixture of isomers from which it is derived.

Dextroamphetamine in turn is just amphetamine with the left-handed isomer removed.

Desoxyn is brand name for dextro-methamphetamine, the CNS-active stereo isomer.

Considering 10 ^ -9 seconds is considered meta-stable for a nuclear isomer that's also a seemingly pointless exercise.

Specifically, that unnatural trans-isomer fatty acids should never be consumed.

However, the single isomer is patentable distinct from its multiple-isomer origin.

In particular, recent FDA regulations have mandated uniformity amongst drug-grade chemicals, meaning that they must be purified in order to only contain one isomeric form rather than a mix.

How could it be possible to determine that one isomer has low toxicity unless it is possible to separate them?I am not 100% up to date in this area, but the last time I looked into the isomer theory of thalidomide toxicity it was not well supported by the experimental evidence.

Isomer definitions


a compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight