Intersect in a sentence as a verb

The set of people's passions do not perfectly intersect with the set of people's wants/needs.

The people willing to tolerate this mess don't generally intersect with the startup crowd.

A Hausdorff space is one where for any two different points, you can take a small ball around each point, and the two balls won't intersect.

You are simply tacking union and intersect to an existing data structure.

Second, I've come to learn that once your passion intersects with the pressure to make a living and pay your bills, it's less enjoyable.

There are some for who are able to find a niche where both "sufficient challenge" and "ability to do it myself" intersect, but I am not one of them.

In high school geometry, I remember my teacher making some assertion that was plainly false - I think it was that 3 planes always intersect in a line.

My counter to that is that the two probably intersect more often than you think they do, and when they do you don't want to be burning cycles figuring out which finger to use to reach the "w" key.

From an Amazon review: “History, technology, culture, finance, and sociology intersect here.

Intersect definitions


meet at a point

See also: cross