Interrupt in a sentence as a noun

- SO knows: If I'm typing & looking at screen: don't interrupt!

I'm talking about accents so strong that you have to interrupt the conversation to ask what they just said.

Since the 500 samples per second was driven by a hardware timer interrupt, we needed that to not be masked out.

I know that things like this can interrupt daily workflows quite a bit, even if getting rid of those mails is not a Herculean task.

Ask an open-ended question and let him talk about it, don't constantly interrupt him and put words into his mouth...

" I had to interrupt him to explain that I just wanted to have a normal conversation first to even see if he could get the car.

If we have a regularly-scheduled meeting, don't wait for it; interrupt me with time-critical issues.

Interrupt in a sentence as a verb

This required a careful audit of the OS's use of the timer interrupt to be sure that we weren't exposing an inadvertent race condition.

The instruction that incurred the page fault would then resume and complete, the processor would see that the debug flag was on, and would generate a debug interrupt.

I remember watching some cartoon where some aliens are watching humans converse and they interrupt by saying "ritual gum flapping time is over".

That gave control back to the kernel, where I could then turn the debug flag off, and during the return from the debug interrupt do the stack manipulation to deliver the signal.

I'm a PM, and I consider it my most important responsibility to prevent interruptions from reaching developers.

So with every release of the OS, I had the job of locating all the places that the interrupt masking took place in the OS and changing the instruction so that it wouldn't mask the timer interrupt.

The only people who are “productive” in those settings, in my experience, are the type of management people who feel compelled to come over and interrupt you in person rather than send you a ******* email you can look at once you’re done tracking down a bug six levels of callbacks deep.

Interrupt definitions


a signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out


make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"

See also: disrupt


destroy the peace or tranquility of; "Don't interrupt me when I'm reading"

See also: disturb


interfere in someone else's activity; "Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone"

See also: disrupt


terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"

See also: break