Disrupt in a sentence as a verb

To disrupt the status quo is the very goal.

And you would have to allow for that package to be dealt with in a new disruption model.

So if you build software to disrupt the industry, this has to be in the equation.

They're not a Kodak or Polaroid; they're not going to stand idle while their market is disrupted.

You lie awake at night worrying about what is that which will disrupt your business model, he said.

More often than not, at least in my experience, conferences are very disruptive and do more harm than good.

A promising, arguably 'disruptive' company lost at a TechCrunch event to a startup backed by Michael Arrington?

If there's anything that requires "disruption," it's the disgustingly gross excess of the text messaging business model.

Do I refrain from introducing disruptive technologies because they might actually disrupt the lives of others?

The growth of mobile made MS just another minority OS underneath the Web, and they lost their ability to disrupt the standardization of the Web platform.

I think once you spend enough time in the valley, you see how many hacks are trying to "change the world" right until their startup is about to fail and then they adapt the exact same behaviors they were trying to disrupt.

Or how about a law banning all disruptive technologies so that we can all enjoy a world that resembles the one we knew a few decades ago?The point, I think, is that startups exist on their own terms in a free enterprise system.

The people who actually work the port asked that they not disrupt the port, but in the end these dreadlocked, shiftless complainers cost those longshoremen a day in wages -- Viva El Proletariado!What we have today is a group of young, electively poor white kids who are upset that the price of unheated lofts and dingy Victorians are being driven up by people who have the means and motivation to actually own and improve them.

Disrupt definitions


make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"

See also: interrupt


throw into disorder; "This event disrupted the orderly process"


interfere in someone else's activity; "Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone"

See also: interrupt