Instruct in a sentence as a verb

This seems to suggest that the AIs don't have to do what their human masters instruct.

Kamran can instruct in KlingonSent from my iPhone

These people have 40 hours of things to do every week, or at least need 40 hours to properly instruct their subordinates.

One of the amendments proposed yesterday was to instruct the AG to not use any resources protecting the copyrights of pornography producers.

But if the VCs have to pay their lawyers out of their own management fees, they'll instruct them to make the negotiations fast and simple, which will in turn decrease the billable hours on the startup's side as well.

No, she agreed with him and said some nonsense about code being for computers:"It doesn't mean anything to you, or to me yet, but it's the set of instructions that you type into a computer to get an output.

> Airbnb & YC, just fix this please:Second that, and please do not try to instruct the victim in a way that can be construed as trying to cover things up, 'the cover up is worse than the crime' will come back to haunt you big time.> 3.

Far from being invalid here, the importance of someone's intentions in a case like this is exactly why prosecutors would look at Swartz's prior writings and why his lawyers would instruct him not to discuss it.

> Third, MIT should instruct its deans and other officials to no longer look favorably upon the mere fact of publication in a prestigious journal when making hiring and tenure decisions.

"Any time you instruct a subordinate, you must be \n prepared to deliver the same instruction every single\n time they perform that action, and expect it to be \n performed in that way until otherwise instructed.

It's not "learn to think analytically", it's not "learn to express your ideas precisely", it's not "learn to instruct a computer", it's not even "learn to use a computer", it's "learn to code".Computers are clearly important, and Paxman would not deny it, but that doesn't make school IT classes any less pointless.

Kirchner was in Obama's spot right now facing spying accusation her response to the reports would be to totally ignore them and instruct her subordinates to mention that Snowden is a liar, all the documents are forged and everything is a plot by the enemies of the American people.

I pointed out that although we don't specifically give them these instructions, the reality is that if one of them was negative we would **** the deal, and therefore were we essentially breaking the rules and just not putting it in writing - they said that no, we were fine until the first time we **** a deal because they said something negative.

Instruct definitions


impart skills or knowledge to; "I taught them French"; "He instructed me in building a boat"

See also: teach learn


give instructions or directions for some task; "She instructed the students to work on their pronunciation"


make aware of; "Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?"

See also: apprise apprize