Instigative in a sentence as an adjective

This is the only use of "instigative hobby" that google knows about.

With instigative hobbies you can teach people and talk about them to others who know nothing about it.

If you can practice an instigative hobby and augment that hobby with the good money you make, then you've got it made.

What is the definition of an "instigative hobby"?

Nothing about instigative makes me think the distinction is between the consumption/creation of goods.

Leather making, coding, music, knitting, etc, are instigative.

Are archives available?LA Weekly still had better instigative journalists than the times.

That's not what the original comment was suggesting - the line about Western and Northern Europe was that the author feels that such a supranational instigative body would also be helpful there.

Instigative definitions


arousing to action or rebellion

See also: incendiary incitive inflammatory rabble-rousing seditious