Cachexia in a sentence as a noun

A large portion of cancer patients die from cachexia.

The only use case is cachexia in the very elderly or in cancer patients.

Not much you can do about cachexia, it is an end stage phenomenon where the tumor is hijacking essentially all incoming nutrition.

One symptom of cancer, especially late-stage cancer, is cachexia: unintended weight loss.

Patients, typically the elderly, with cachexia from cancer are often given ********* to stimulate their appetite, and it works.

For example, those using ********* to treat cachexia generally need a higher dose than those treating anxiety or insomnia.

It's clear that many people do find ********* helpful for certain conditions, for example terminal cancer, where the appetite stimulating effect can be useful in helping forestall cachexia.

> The only use case is cachexia in the very elderly or in cancer patientsUveitis, Grave’s disease, gout, alopecia, systemic vasculitis & giant cell arteritis are some other viable reasons for being prescribed steroids.

Cachexia definitions


any general reduction in vitality and strength of body and mind resulting from a debilitating chronic disease

See also: cachexy wasting