Insolation in a sentence as a noun

Short answer is that more of the solar insolation that hits Earth gets converted into electricity.

Venus has a very dense CO2 atmosphere with negligible amounts of oxygen and about twice the insolation of Earth.

The phenomenon doesn't affect the daylight/nighttime ratio or insolation or temperatures like the seasonal cycle does.

The global forcings were orbitally induced, cyclic variations in solar insolation that caused rapid global warming.

For example, many commercial buildings require cooling in the core throughout the year-- without regard for the insolation or the air temperature at the envelope.

I would say that if I say "I have these solar cells that take sunlight and create electricity with 12% efficiency", I would expect that I get 12% of the total insolation in electricity.

Of course there's an ultimate limit, of the total insolation energy to Earth or maybe a Dyson sphere, but there are many multiples of headroom compared to Earth's current population and productivity.

Insolation definitions


sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat

See also: sunstroke siriasis


incident solar radiation


therapeutic exposure to sunlight

See also: heliotherapy