Insect in a sentence as a noun

You're not an insect, you're a conscious human being.

Background:Four days ago, while walking around outside I saw an insect.

And once we can do that, could we use that data to fly a virtual insect around a virtual world?

Hence the wide range of defensive measures most animals/insects/fish have to make sure that does not happen too often.

Should everyone who uses insect repellant be treated this way while going through security?

This insect was pretty lucky to live on the coolest rock climbing crag I have ever seen...which requires a special permit to climb [1].

The humble cockroach probably suffers from the worst stigmatization of all the insects, though.

Going from "common insect recognized as belonging to new order" to "discovery of a new life-form" is quite a leap.

Plenty of people had known and even collected these insects for years, but hadn't gotten around to naming and categorizing them yet.

People have been trying to make insect-based cuisine happen in the US for many years now, and it's been very slow to attract any real attention or adoption.

Not only that, but insects too have small personalities, with some showing boldness in new situations and some hanging back with what looks an awful lot like shyness.

Normally this is nothing to write home about except that I had originally mistaken this insect for an assorted clump of debris.

This led us to hypothesize that dung beetles exploit the starry sky for orientation, a feat that has, to our knowledge, never been demonstrated in an insect.

They don't!If someone could freeze at least a small insect brain after it "learned something", unfreeze it and prove that it retained what it learned, I might have at least a grain of faith in this.

There was a use of DDT -- spraying inside your house -- which had low environmental impact and which insects could not develop resistance to, because the concentrations stay high.

We can observe behaviors in animals that seem to imply consciousness, but is a dog conscious, or an insect, or an amoeba?

The use of this bidirectional celestial cue for orientation has been proposed for vertebrates, spiders, and insects, but never proven.

I'd rather not live in a society where insect-sized drones could be eavesdropping on any conversation or watching everything you do without your knowledge.

The fungi that produce mycotoxins follow insects into plants; insect-resistant plants have no insect holes for fungi to enter and therefore no mycotoxins.

The blog Marginal Revolution considered the question a few months ago: "What is the political equilibrium when insect-sized drone assassins are available?

This finding represents the first convincing demonstration for the use of the starry sky for orientation in insects and provides the first documented use of the Milky Way for orientation in the animal kingdom.

What are the major technical barriers before we can identify the input and output channels to this insect's brain and start iterating through all possible input values, recording the corresponding output values?

Insect definitions


small air-breathing arthropod


a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect

See also: worm louse