Infuriating in a sentence as an adjective

Both of these are infuriating and lead to terribly designed products.

After watching this incredibly infuriating thing, I hope they pass it. I hope it passes, and the economy of the US tanks, and it eats itself.

For example, I find the new Blogger "web app" infuriating. I shouldn't have to stare at a loading screen to read a half-dozen paragraphs of text, that's just stupid.

This page is a fantastic example of great development skills used in a way that is utterly infuriating to use. I don't want it to animate when I use my scroll wheel.

It's absolutely infuriating, above all because you're talking about stuff you paid for.

That is infuriating. He is trying to oblige to the request to remove a copyrighted song, but Universal isn't even telling him how he is in violation.

Trying to engage with them is often a complete waste of time, they will often be irrational and defensive which is infuriating. If you goad them into going into the offensive you are not going to come off well.

When the seconds are ticking away, and another page has to load, it's just infuriating. I want at most two page loads: whatever awful incoming link I came in from, and then the thing I actually want on the project.

The CEO of HBO is infuriating. I will never have a cable subscription ever again and it has nothing to do with the economy, yet I would love to be able to purchase HBO shows digitally.

>to spend billions of taxpayer dollars in search of a particle that likely does not exist would have been wasteful This is infuriating. A negative result is a successful experiment.

There are few things more infuriating than having a messaging service tell me it has delivered a message when it actually silently failed to send it.

The even more infuriating thing about that quote in this context is that it ignores the corrective power of a democracy in crisis. There eventually does come a point where people wise up and rise up on specific issues.

He repeated this false claim in his talk at Stanford's ETL lecture series and I find it absolutely infuriating. It's also relevant that Mark appears so non-chalant about the whole endeavor in the video.

This is also infuriating when it comes to medical knowledge and dealing with doctors. I personally know someone who had a uncommon disease and he did extensive research looking at articles published in journals and science/medical books.

Wow that is infuriating; ignorance masquerading as arrogance.

As a student who did not cheat, worked very hard, and still received a relatively low grade in your class, theres nothing more infuriating. Is it not your job as an educator to make sure those who put in the most effort and demonstrate the highest level of achievement are awarded grades accordingly?

Expecting some downvotes, but unless someone's said it to your face or your wife's told you some of the things her friends say, you can't know how infuriating it is when people don't think you're capable of taking care of your own kids.

I'm probably using Google resources less than I used to - GMail's interface pisses me off, the new Maps layout is infuriating, and search is broadly speaking totally broken for me in places. I'm also acutely aware that Google's audience has changed - it's no longer tech-savvy early adopters, but almost everybody who has an Internet connection.

On top of this, what is particularly infuriating about this is that it hurts the people that have invested heavily into Apple by purchasing more than one monitor, many times expensive Apple monitors. It is completely acceptable and expected for people to get angry about regressing their monitors' abilities.

One of the most infuriating things about what we saw happening in 2005-2007 was that while banks were closing the accounts of non-bank service providers, the banks themselves began offering the same services to their own customers, often through the same networks that the non-bank financial institutions were using. Bank of America was the most prominent actor in this regard; but now, even they have stopped offering money transfer service.

Quote Examples using Infuriating

It's infuriating that these companies can get away with what is essential libel and not have anything done to them. I shredded all my mail, I haven't given any real information about me on any web site since 1997, never gave out any information about me willy-nilly including applying for too many credit cards, and I never fall for phishing attacks. And yet somehow I found myself victim of identity theft, and it took 2+ years to clean up, and it's still not over. Since so many web sites use Experian data to verify my identity, I've lost a lot of opportunity to get credit, loans, etc, because Experian has mixed my information with the fraudulent information, so I get answers to those automated question wrong. It's truly infuriating, and the system is completely broken, yet no one in government cares.


Infuriating definitions


extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "I've had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening"

See also: exasperating maddening vexing