Exasperating in a sentence as an adjective

I found this essay exasperating, but YC doesn't "**** startups to VC". That's not how it works.

I know it's exasperating. My initial reaction was to get angry, to tell her the same "you know this and that", until I realised it was completely beyond her control.

But everyone should be in the business of not being evil and not exasperating the problems of others. In trading that means not contributing to flash crashes.

Only that the entire experience was exasperating, annoying, and thoroughly made me want to not watch the rest of Harry Potter. And I wanted to give them money.

> Learning new programming languages is extremely fun at first but exasperating and repetitive after a while. Never gets old for me.

This is just exasperating. For all the work they're putting into creating a copyright regime, they could do build their own netflix and put everything on it, charge $10/month and fix their piracy problem like that.

But, at any rate: exasperating though your argument is, it's also a non-sequitor. My point is that banks are dealing with zombie customer machines controlled by malware.

But, wow, what a nightmarish, exasperating, multi-year, high-risk distraction to one's core business.

Com/ and it has been, well, rather exasperating... I can only imagine the frustration of trying to manage real infrastructure with such obtuse standards.

* When it's not boring, it's exasperating, such as when the thread competes to build a case that all of law enforcement is a conspiracy to find more effective ways to predict who we're going to vote for --- or creepy, such as when people more or less suggest that child pornography isn't a real problem. Two thoughts.

Knowledge, education, and maturity aren't equally distributed, but conversations like this, even if they are exasperating, are one way to change that. It's affected me, anyway.

Or, let me ask it another way: What would be the constructive way to ask whether high professional mathematician participation should be expected at a conference sponsored in part by someone who finds mathematicians exasperating and shows disdain for mathematics? Before you answer: I read the post that Prof.

This isn't the kind of frustrating conspiracy nuttery that's so exasperating written by people so lost in their private world as to have lost touch with reality, this is written by a person fully cognizant of their writing and what he's saying, the time in which he's saying it and the tone in which he's saying it. it should give you pause when dealing with them, that their conscience leads to hypothetical discussions like this.

""When it's not boring, it's exasperating, such as when the thread competes to build a case that all of law enforcement is a conspiracy to find more effective ways to predict who we're going to vote for --- or creepy, such as when people more or less suggest that child pornography isn't a real problem." "" Well, in a world where tens of thousands of children die of hunger every single day, c/p is definitely not a real problem.

I generally like my Nest and have found their support to be excellent, so I'm pretty patient, but it is definitely exasperating to hold a crying baby while calling tech support in the middle of the night because of a failed software update on my thermostat!

Exasperating definitions


extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "I've had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening"

See also: infuriating maddening vexing


making worse

See also: aggravating exacerbating