Inflorescence in a sentence as a noun

Herbs tend to attract masses of bees with their yummy inflorescences.

When studying flora, things like color or inflorescence, for example, are examined with excessive concern with minor details, though.

Only a casual acquaintance with parasitic plants, but the paper says> All species of Langsdorffia are highly modified parasites comprising just a series of tubers and inflorescences, and lack an ordinary stem structure and all trace of functional apical meristems.

‘It lacks the simple symmetry of the Platonic solids, although it may have a higher symmetry of its own ... I think this could be an inflorescence or flower.’‘Could be?’ I queried.‘Could be,’ he confirmed.‘Smell it,’ I suggested, and he again looked somewhat puzzled, as if I had asked him to smell a higher symmetry.

Inflorescence definitions


the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms

See also: blossoming flowering florescence anthesis efflorescence


the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk