Infinity in a sentence as a noun

This is an infinite list from 2 to infinity.

There is, and will always be, an infinity of discussion.

And you have a bag of red marbles, each is marked with an even number: 2,4,6,8... all the way to infinity.

Suppose you have one bag of blue marbles, and each is marked with some odd number: 1,3,5,7... all the way to infinity.

"It makes infinity times more money than snapchat, but has a thirtieth of the valuation.

You let the negative story posts stay on the HN, and you allowed them to be up-voted to infinity and beyond.

If the base-3 logarithm was used, the displayed scores would be: -infinity to 0: bad comment, should be dimmed\n 1: \n 2-3: ★\n 4-9: ★★\n 9-27: ★★★\n 27-81: ★★★★\n 81-243: ★★★★★\n\netc.

Share prices can go to infinity and hit zero all over the course of a day - their just bits of data in a db somewhere in Jersey.

Apart from strain on the eyes, that's really annoying for wide outdoor shots, where things should effectively be at infinity.

A mock modular form is meromorphic, it is differentiable at almost all points in Real space at infinity.

In particular, it asserts that things only have ultimate meaning if they extend to temporal infinity.

Where your path was a narrow funnel leading to one specific destination, you will now have the infinity of all possible and reachable paths ahead of you.

I'm a mathematician, and I actually hadn't seen the proof that $A = \\pi r^2$ via showing that the shape formed by that particular arrangement of the slices of the circle becomes a square as the number of slices is taken to infinity.

Instead their temperature increases towards positive infinity, flips to negative infinity, and rises asymptotically towards zero.

With infinite bags, it becomes much trickier to prove that you can do this every time, and you need some way to ensure that "carry on until you're done" actually carries you to the end of the task, instead of getting you stuck in some sub-infinity of pairings without finishing all of them.

Infinity definitions


time without end

See also: eternity