Eternity in a sentence as a noun

For crying out loud, it was 12 years ago - an eternity in the industry.

Once you have commit ab387df, it's refers to the same sequence of changes for all eternity.

Instead you get a bunch of gobbledygook about death, eternity, and direct messages from god.

They never do because they are afraid of change, and because burning for eternity is a part of their self-identity.

5 seconds is a ******* eternity, and anything you expose to users on the web with such horrible performance will suffer greatly because of if. One exception may be banks.

This is stuff that is amusing enough that I want a few people to see what I've written once, but not so funny that I think it should exist for eternity online.

And Bangaloreans will know corresponds to an eternity given the traffic situation.

Your driver drives on local road as he speaks in his broken english how low this fare is, and you seemed to be stuck in traffic for an eternity what should've taken only 20 minutes.

Otherwise, religious ideas about eternity and salvation trump any concerns.

Eternity definitions


time without end

See also: infinity


a state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife

See also: timelessness


a seemingly endless time interval (waiting)