Indiscernible in a sentence as an adjective

It's hard to give credit for something indiscernible.

At some zoom-level, we are pushed so much closer to the ants that the difference is virtually indiscernible.

Some argue that since the iPad is often held further away, it could have lower DPI than the iPhone and still have indiscernible pixels.

Staring into the infinite void of indiscernible and contradictory truth forever is more than the brain can handle.

So are you saying that you lack the ability to discern AT&T's GigaPower ads from other ads, or are you saying that AT&T's ads are indiscernible from other ads?

We have multi-page documents describing how to perform even the most basic tasks, they require constantly clicking and going to new pages of indiscernible icons.

"zappos" is an online retailer whose distinction from every other online retailer is indiscernible, to my eyes.

I could see marginally increasing it above that threshold so pixels remained indiscernible at almost all distances, but a 440ppi density is surely superfluous.

Anything above 6Mbps AVC is pointless because the quality differences become indiscernible.

Really unpleasant to work around some indiscernible and apparently unfixable problems.

I wouldn't prefer point-free style if it ends up looking indiscernible, but in this case I sort of wanted a way to express semi-declaratively "this function is the difference between these other two functions".

Indiscernible definitions


difficult or impossible to perceive or discern; "an indiscernible increase in temperature"


barely able to be perceived; "the transition was almost indiscernible"; "an almost insensible change"

See also: insensible undetectable