Indescribable in a sentence as an adjective

It brings me an almost indescribable joy to find that Wally is the original name.

Doing mind-numbing work is one thing, but spending hours and hours doing it when you know it's all for nothing is an indescribable feeling.

Facebook alone has been brought indescribable joy to thousands of grandmas.

We are blessed with technology that would be indescribable to our forefathers.

We chase braggable successes instead of indescribable play.

We have a strong group of friends and family who have been by our side throughout this entire mess and provided us with indescribable support.

It's because that's the only way to cope living in a country like India where the rich live amongst indescribable poverty.

Much like people talk about UO being transformative, M59 was just something else, indescribable to be that age and experience something so immersive.

I think that both you and svantana are talking about countability, which is not the point of this post but just a tool used to prove the theorem of indescribable numbers.

Not only are the vast majority of real numbers irrational, they are transcendental[1] -- indescribable in algebraic terms.

Thus, the big achievement of this guy is to actually come up with idea of indescribable numbers by himself and interpreting this question mathematically.

If you're making it indescribable in the process of making improvement, perhaps you've been in the business a long enough time to know, the only difference is whether the customer can be bothered to learn the language, or not.

Indescribable definitions


defying expression or description; "indefinable yearnings"; "indescribable beauty"; "ineffable ecstasy"; "inexpressible anguish"; "unspeakable happiness"; "unutterable contempt"; "a thing of untellable splendor"

See also: indefinable ineffable unspeakable untellable unutterable