Incantation in a sentence as a noun

But this, to me, isn't "programming"; it's just invoking a magic incantation to get the computer to draw an ellipse.

You just copy and pasted the output of giter8's black magic* and asked me if I think the resulting magical incantation is too difficult?

You don't want to be looking things up in a man page trying to remember the specific incantation for a particular thing while your budget shrinks by the second.

You put in a diskette -- well, it didn't load automatically but making it load was a very simple incantation, and once the game started, it was started.

Linux becomes much more enjoyable when you can type `untar ` instead of remembering the magical incantation `sudo tar -xzvf `.

> "Linux becomes much more enjoyable when you can type `untar ` instead of remembering the magical incantation `sudo tar -xzvf `.

I don't think that chanting "markets" like a religious incantation is particularly effective.

There was some transformation that happened from years of curiosity and obsession, and from what I can tell a lot of people never pass that phase of thinking of code as magic incantations.

All I know about locale generation is that it's some magic incantation you need to speak to keep apt-get from screaming bloody ****** every time you run it on a newly debootstrapped chroot.

"BlahBlahBluey" or somethingI got scared that perhaps, the last thing I said "Good Night, Batman" or whatever, was in fact coincidentally an ancient curse incantation and I had summoned a monster who was en route to **** me."Blah!

With the proper scenarios, make programmers suicidal, when they can utter the proper dark magic incantation, we do a cost benefit analysis and decide that ******* does remove the defective systems.

I know it sounds trite, but there really was this moment where I went from thinking of code as a magic incantation to achieve some result to understanding that code can be anything you imagine, and that you can map your very thoughts to code.

The codebase is accordingly small: $ wc -l source/*/*c | tail -n1\n 11308 total\n $ wc -l source/crypto/*c | tail -n1\n 1293 total\n\nThe first line suggests a measure of total code ballast, whereas the\nsecond incantation might hint at the amount of core crypto code.

The worst part is when you give them an answer it does lead to critical thinking, but rather feeds their assumption that programming is about reciting the magic incantation which is easily obtained by asking a guru with a large memory of such incantations.

I can scan it visually and look for >anomalies; I can use my favorite text editor with it; I >can grep it; I can cobble together some magic >incantation on a command line to munge it to death >until it cries out in mercy and gives me exactly what I'm looking for.

Incantation definitions


a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect

See also: conjuration