Inanimate in a sentence as an adjective

It doesn't have a heart, it is an inanimate object.

Clay is inanimate and there's no potter in evidence around here.

I romanticize my job by equating it to writing love poems to an inanimate object.

You'll notice that the insults are entirely directed at an inanimate piece of software.

Perhaps in learning programming, the inanimate computer can serve as a coach for many learners.

Those lines which really don't mean anything to someone who speaks a language with gendered pronouns applied to inanimate objects.

I don't expect my plane ticket to be polite or personal, because it's an inanimate piece of paper written by formula.

Nor can you imprison an inanimate entity, like the government that carried out the illegal warrant.

At the top, Obama was presenting to a cheering crowd and just below, Tom Hanks sat marooned on an island screaming desperately at his inanimate volleyball.

[3] Murphy himself was reportedly unhappy with the commonplace interpretation of his law, which is seen as capturing the essential "cussedness" of inanimate objects.

At the end of it, I felt this huge sense of comic relief because I half expected the box to start screaming, and then I laughed and marveled at how the gamewriters were able to create a sense of attachment to an inanimate box, merely by having you pick it up and move it to places.

Inanimate definitions


belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things; "the word `car' is inanimate"


not endowed with life; "the inorganic world is inanimate"; "inanimate objects"

See also: nonliving non-living


appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead"

See also: breathless pulseless