Impute in a sentence as a verb

As to the rest the attributes you impute to them -- as of yet we don't "know" any of these to be fact.

Did they somehow impute past data to current countries?

Although it's risky to impute motives, I really think it was intentional that he pwned..._rails_ _git_ _master_

I think some of his readers impute a greater level of "scientificness" to his numbers than he himself claims.

Or perhaps it's that we are left to impute their incentive to dicontinue it - G+ redirection.

The shiny things, value you impute being zero, they sell are in fact products built by companies because they think people will in fact buy them.

The power of fortune is confessed only by the miserable, for the happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.

That's hardly much different from what Google did, except we impute a less noble incentive on their part - user adoption, ad impressions.

Also, my emotional brain tends to impute racism towards those politicians who have advanced it.

If you want to impute that much authority to it, sure, but the actual signature verification depends on the insecure DNS anyways.

If you don't file, the IRS will just impute taxes to you at the least favorable possible rate, and probably not tell you about it until after you've incurred penalties.

And what can be better for dissonance reduction than someone telling you that you have good taste, and anyone who buys the competition is a philistine?I should point out that this does not impute anything to the quality of the products themselves.

In a larger social concept: people tend to impute special attributes to various things where such attribution is not warranted; people who understand the concept of mathematical proof are less likely to get caught up in such incorrect imputation.

Impute definitions


attribute or credit to; "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"; "People impute great cleverness to cats"

See also: ascribe assign attribute


attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source; "The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness"