Aristocracy in a sentence as a noun

I guess you don't have an aristocracy in the US who I don't know what counts as upper class there.

I don't blame them for trying to make money by getting people a place within the aristocracy.

And, we can agree that it's leagues better than aristocracy.

In the aristocracy, ages in the mid-teens for women and early twenties for men seem to have been common.

The first paragraph says: > The popular view of America's upper class is that of an ossified aristocracy.

An aristocracy that simply bequeaths money and social position to its children will eventually fall.

"Actually, the aristocracy and nobility have all suffered from obesity since ancient times.

Interestingly, China is much worse than the USA in this regard, and is a good example of what happens when big government owns a nation completely: a tiny aristocracy ruling with impunity over the poor masses.

Aristocracy definitions


a privileged class holding hereditary titles

See also: nobility


the most powerful members of a society

See also: gentry