Impudent in a sentence as an adjective

And Arrington comes off like an impudent 17-year-old here.

>it seems damned impudent of them to be assuming my voiceI agree.

" to upper management without sounding impudent, that seems like a great culture to be in.

It's an offensive fiction, an impudent fiction, a fiction that slaps you across the face and calls your mother a dirty *****.

I'm all too aware of the human hands that typed out that button label - it seems damned impudent of them to be assuming my voice.

I think it was Americans who pioneered the impudent query in conversation.

And if you argue, then you are an impudent child who must be dominated to re-establish their authority over you.

"Such pleas seem impudent coming from the highest-paid teachers in the nation, with an average annual salary of $68,000"Those monsters.

I think the Culture ships would find it impudent or funny to have their names given to primitive, non-sapient, human-made spaceships.

His behaviour was viewed as impudent and he was summarily hanged.\nAs a small kid he was the ***** incarnate to me. \nSince then my view has become a lot less black and white but it's hard to shake off childhood associations entirely.

I was captivated by the lyrics, I loved how the songwriter mixed delicate phrases with shocking and sometimes even impudent language.

Saying "we" will do this might very well be considered to be rather impudent of me, much like Napoleon trying to claim some sort of perceptible credit for the Hoover Dam.

For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

It's very weird you have the presentation of an impudent 20 year old but you share an irrational preference for Fortran, which is something I'm only used to seeing in people who are past their mid 50s."Move along"?

If you don't like to see your government wasting dollars on illegal, impudent prosecutions, while, say, letting major financial fraud go unprosecuted, well, say something about it.

The current issues that I'm interested in are the dissolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences; extending of blatant religious propaganda to small children in schools; possible two-fold or three-fold increase of the utility payments; introduction of the non-state center for fighting atheist extremism by the church which is so integrated into the ruling regime, impudent and crooky that it alienates not-insignificant part of it's own congregation; the legislation for prohibiting the Tor network and the growing list of banned websites; dismantling of free education.

Impudent definitions


marked by casual disrespect; "a flip answer to serious question"; "the student was kept in for impudent behavior"

See also: insolent snotty-nosed flip


improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"; "Don't get wise with me!"

See also: fresh impertinent overbold smart saucy sassy wise