Impolite in a sentence as an adjective

Or perhaps requires the telling of an impolite truth.

However, the resource has exactly two impolite words in it, so it is hardly huge amount.

It is too long an explanation for the simple fact that: "private conversations with the owner of a public project are impolite.

It's impolite to admit, but I can't help but think it's a damper om ambition, and with no ambition, there can be no Silicon Valley scale startups.

They might possibly be that rare exception, a flower blooming on a dunghill, but asking sharp questions to establish that is neither impolite nor inappropriate.

I'm not intending to be impolite, but this is the third time in several days that HN posters have brusquely corrected a gender pronoun in relation to a submission of nondescript importance.

They are simply examples of impolite female conversation in certain places/times that shouldn't happen--just as much as similar conversations should not be had by men in inappropriate times/places.

This topic makes me feel positively Marxist: we're willingly participating in a system designed and perpetuated to exploit us because to do otherwise would be impolite.

There are polite and impolite ways to express skepticism, and I'd encourage anyone to give Ruiu the benefit of the doubt as far as his motivations are concerned, even if you can think of an uncharitable explanation.

Impolite definitions


not polite