Immunity in a sentence as a noun

At the time, we were testing ESD immunity up to 20kV.

Maybe we need the "Herd immunity" of a large number of people using encryption software.

A problem with some 'viral' models is that eventually the herd develops an immunity.

At some point, hopefully one of them with enough information will walk on to the floor and exercise their Article I immunity.

They buy testimony from other defendants by promising them immunity.

Note that this does not necessarily imply that she sold her friend out. Prosecutors commonly grant immunity in grand jury cases whether or not the witness asked for or wanted it, because it deprives him of the legal basis for invoking the Fifth Amendment.

In a normal scandal story, the appropriate committee would grant immunity to Snowden, have him testify, then bring up Clapper, have him testify, and compare notes.

Agencies can say: "Share anything potentially cyber-crime-related with us, companies, and you'll get blanket immunity, for not just the sharing but all 'decisions' made from the info we give you.

I already mentioned this and sorry for repeating but our beloved liberal / transparent / change-and-hope-loving president Obama voted for the retroactive immunity back when he was still a senator.

Immunity definitions


the state of not being susceptible; "unsusceptibility to rust"

See also: unsusceptibility


(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease

See also: resistance


the quality of being unaffected by something; "immunity to criticism"


an act exempting someone; "he was granted immunity from prosecution"

See also: exemption