Immortalise in a sentence as a verb

We looked it up on Google Streetview recently and there he was, immortalised stood out front of the pub with a pint in hand.

I mean, I get it. I truly do, but part of me hates this idea of names being "burned".This name is a direct link to the person, and he should not be immortalised like that.

Those people no longer have names to immortalise them, but neither do the people around them that helped them become the people they were destined to be.

The inventors who are immortalised are usually standing on the shoulders of giants and completing the last mile.

Its probably most famous for sitting right on top of a lot of natural gas, immortalised by Rudyard Kipling as having "all **** for a basement" [1].

Shout out to everybody who, unlike the author, has mostly illegible handwriting and wouldn’t want it immortalised in this way.

The two seconds I spend scratching my **** walking down the street are forgotten by all who saw it instantly, but not if that moment is immortalised in flash memory.

The description of an item in a sales invoice is the description at the time the contract of sale is made, and must be immortalised as such as a copy of that description.+1.

The description of an item in a sales invoice is the description at the time the contract of sale is made, and must be immortalised as such as a copy of that description.

On top of that, sometimes if you're unlucky enough you may even face lawsuits from dissatisfied couple asking for a refund AND for you to compensate for their wedding costs and pay for a new ceremony so that they can have those "memories" be immortalised in photos.

Immortalise definitions


be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"; "We memorialized the Dead"

See also: commemorate memorialize memorialise immortalize record


make famous forever; "This melody immortalized its composer"

See also: immortalize eternize eternise eternalize eternalise