Ideogram in a sentence as a noun

Modern English is a mix of phonograms and ideograms, with more of the former.

And in this case the ideogram subsystem was defective.

At some point it becomes a single ideogram: dutchcourage, which is void of any PC baggage.

Because each pinyin could mean a thousand of different things, so it's way easier to understand what they mean with an ideogram.

Numerals are pure ideograms with no clue about pronunciation.

Mathematical ℝ is more accurately thought of as an ideogram than a letter.

In the top-level comment I wrote, I listed 三 'three' as an example of an ideogram but it could be argued instead that it is a compound of three separate 一 'one' characters.

Yes, it may be the case that Chinese, Spanish, Greek, German, Arabic, or other non-American ideogram using programmers write code primarily meant to be used and understood within their own culture.

Are the people here so pretentious that they're fundamentally opposed to using an ideogram?better hope there aren't any closeted road-signage-designers lurking on HN then

Proper Noun Examples for Ideogram

I still wonder if the eye can quickly read a sequence of 2 or more ideograms, but since you need a fairly high number of those ideograms to effectively describe concepts, it's becoming inevitably hard to read something, whereas the latin alphabet is simple enough to already associate letters to form words !Ideograms are still fascinating because it seems to quickly increase the amount of things you can write with less space, but only if you're really able to read it and memorize it.

Ideogram definitions


a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it; "Chinese characters are ideograms"

See also: ideograph