Hullo in a sentence as a noun

Hu- hullo? Is this thing on or what?

I'm pretty sure it's spelled "hello" not "hullo."

So are hey, hullo, hallo, and in some casual companies and especially with friendly co-workers, even "yo" and "\'sup". But seriously, hi is fine.

Com/article/2015-02-05-hullo-where-have-all-... So yeah, I do think there are probably a lot of people in Africa with a smartphone but not a doctor.

Proper Noun Examples for Hullo

Hullo - i more or less agree. i'm advocating spreadsheets as more of a sanity check on your business assumptions than as a real predictive model.

Hullo definitions


an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged polite hellos"

See also: hello howdy how-do-you-do