Hello in a sentence as a noun

So, if you thought Orwell was scary, say hello to Kafka now.

> I tried a "hello" and waited. And waited. And then I was k-lined from the IRC network.

In your phone menus enable development and connect via USB. In Eclipse make your hello world project, and hit Run or Debug.

Start off with a simple hello world, graduate to a chat app or something simple, and get them to a full blown large application.

The biggest mental hurdle I find myself facing when learning new languages and having got beyond the "hello world" stage is "how do I go from here to structuring an app?

Should I not bother?-When walking leaving my office and entering the hallway, how close should a person be entering the hallway from the opposite direction be before I wave or say hello.

Hello definitions


an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged polite hellos"

See also: hullo howdy how-do-you-do