Hoodoo in a sentence as a noun

Can I maybe do something similar to that using router hoodoo?

Probably the same hoodoo that's keeping Cheney alive.

Later on, entropy counting is just hoodoo and cargo culting.

Facebook wants your precious eyeballs, or whatever hoodoo it is they deal in.

Hoodoo in a sentence as a verb

I don't mean that in some personal development hoodoo way, like the way to success is riddled with failures or whatever.

I have no idea, but at least this discussion rigorously explains what this universality class is, instead of dousing you with feel good science-hoodoo-voodoo quotes.

That’s a longer read than I expected but there are some good, frank points like non programmers seeing some of the praise for Lisp called “unsub­stan­ti­ated hoodoo”.I like that the author addresses the “what’s in it for me” head on as well.

Hoodoo definitions


(geology) a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock; "a tall sandstone hoodoo"


a practitioner of voodoo


a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

See also: juju voodoo fetish fetich


something believed to bring bad luck


bring bad luck; be a source of misfortune