Fetish in a sentence as a noun

I'm really not able to comprehend the shoe fetish some people have.

Americans also have a weird fetish that you don't find other places about buying homes in their 20s.

Considering that the ****** fetish runs as high as 10% such information could be used to perform a bloodless coup.

The key is to put some stuff that's reasonably embarrassing in the fake volume, like nude pictures of yourself or weird fetish porn.

You're more than welcome to share your true thoughts about your employer's urine fetish, here and now -- safely and anonymously!

On a related note: did Google hire some broken UX person with an immense fetish for annoying popups and interruptions?

As soon as you do anything they deem suspicious they might find you downloaded strange foot fetish porn when you were in college and try to blackmail you.

Go for it. Mozilla employees discovering my personal fetish for modget donkey porn?

But understanding history is different than making a fetish of it, and this explanation tiptoes pretty close to the latter.

If we can move past our fetish for eating apex predators, we can easily solve fish sustainability without the need for regulation.

Realize your non-technical boss isn't some cartoonish, mustache-twirling villian with a fetish for poor technical solutions.

I totally don't see "modern programmer culture fetish[izing] complexity" -- rather, on HN, I think it's pretty clear that modern programmer culture fetishizes simplicity.

If, hypothetically, his wife left him because of a sexual fetish, that would be no more or less of a non-sequitur than anything else he admitted to, but much more potentially damaging to his reputation.

I remember that a year or two ago, there was the discussion of whether people with high average ratings deserve to have their names appear in orange, and my thought then was that making a fetish of karma averages discourages nested discussions, since root-set comments can end up at 20+, but 6th-level comments, no matter how insightful, are unlikely to get more than a single upvote.

Fetish definitions


a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body; "common male fetishes are breasts, legs, hair, shoes, and underwear"


a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

See also: juju voodoo hoodoo fetich


excessive or irrational devotion to some activity; "made a fetish of cleanliness"

See also: fetich