Honk in a sentence as a noun

GET's can unlock my doors and honk my horn and stuff?

Go straight and hear the honk + generally get hit by the rear view mirror.

"This would make sense if you wanted to GET /honks and see a collection of previous honks.

If someone's about to have a baby or something, a friendly honk to get someone slow out of the way can be useful.

Honk in a sentence as a verb

"people in convertibles are less likely to honk"I think that there should be a law that a car's horn should be as loud inside the car as it is outside.

Similarly PUT would be appropriate for requests where you are specifying the time that the honk should occur, which would make them idempotent.

The cars behind me tend to disagree, and sometimes even honk ... even though the space ahead of me clearly only leads to a continued jam, and not open road.

I've even seen a collection of cars on I-105 honk maniacally while weaving all over and nearly smashing a poor car that had a blow-out rather than make room for him to get off the road and other drivers to navigate around, even though there was plenty of time to see what was going on, slow down, and work around him.

Honk definitions


the cry of a goose (or any sound resembling this)


make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"

See also: blare beep claxon toot


use the horn of a car

See also: claxon


cry like a goose; "The geese were honking"

See also: cronk


eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"

See also: vomit purge cast sick disgorge regorge retch puke barf spew